To bet перевод
Автор: влстВлад | 2022-04-06 07:45:39
Текст, перевод и аккорды “Bet On It” Everybody's always talking at meEverybody's trying to get in my headI wanna listen to my own heart talkingI need to count on myself instead[Chorus:]Did you ever?[Zac:]Loose yourself to get what you want[Chorus:]Did you ever?[Zac:]Get on a ride and wanna get off[Chorus:]Did you ever?[Zac:]Push away the ones you should've held closeDid you ever let go?Did you ever not know?I'm not gonna stop, that's who I amI'll give it all I got, that is my planWill I find what I lost?You know you canBet on it, bet on itBet on it, bet on it(Bet on me)I wanna make it right, that is the wayTo turn my life around, today is the dayAm I the type of guy who means what I say?Bet on it, bet on itBet on it, bet on itHow will I know if there's a path worth taking?Should I question every move I make?With all I’ve lost my heart is breakingI don't wanna make the same mistake[Chorus:]Did you ever?[Zac:]Doubt your dream will ever come true[Chorus:]Did you ever?[Zac:]Blame the world and never blame you[Chorus:]I will never[Zac:]Try to live a lie againI don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my wayI'm not gonna stop, that's who I am(Who I am)I'll give it all I got, that is my plan(That's my plan)Will I find what I lost?You know you can(You know you can)Bet on it, bet on itBet on it, bet on itBet on meI wanna make it right, that is, – перевод с английского на русский
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Ну, может и так. Но по сути написано: If you're asking if we'll ever reconcile, the answer is no. It's taken me six months to be able to sit in this car and have a civil conversation.
Sing as their bones come marching in... again
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Fuck the System:)